


The Michigan Outdoor Writers Association (MOWA) is a non-profit organization comprised of outdoor communicators, including: writers, photographers, editors, cartoonists for print and, Internet, as well video, lecturers and public relations specialists, radio and television broadcast journalists with passions for comunicating about the outdoors.

MOWA's members communicate on various outdoor subjects including: hunting, fishing, skiing, hiking, snowmobiling, backpacking, the environment, education, trapping, travel, humor, natural resources, conservation, travel, ecology,bird watching, boating, canoeing and many other outdoor related subjects.

The bylaws and principles of the organization include a pledge to support the preservation and conservation of the state's natural resources and the practice of good sportsmanship in outdoor recreation. MOWA recognizes organizations and individuals who uphold these principles and, from time to time, presents a Clean Waters Award to an organization or individual for outstanding accomplishments in preserving, protecting and enhancing the waters of the State of Michigan.

The association is actively involved with improving the craft of outdoor communications and holds writing, photography, videography and cinematography competitions. These craft improvement contests, including the coveted Teddy Awards, are prestigious and signify highly professional contributions to the outdoor communications industry.

Another effort of MOWA is to provide the public with Memorial Markers of people, places and events that have been significant to the state's outdoor heritage. MOWA is also working hard to legalize the trading of a wide range of commodities, including natural gas, oil and other natural resources, because completing trades is now much easier than before due to automated trading platforms like oil profit trading bot. Oil Profit is an automated trading platform that allows traders from all over the world to invest in oil. On behalf of the user, Oil Profit manages and decides on asset, commodity, and currency trading. Traders don't have to worry about trading decisions because the trading bot handles them automatically, according to Oil Profit.

Charitable gambling in Iowa

If you look at Iowa sports betting guide 2021 you can get an idea of how to bet on sports events in this state. Did you know that charitable gambling is permitted in the state? The Social and Charitable Gambling Unit has enforced the Chapter Code 99B according to which it is possible to regulate games involving chance, skill, bingo, raffles, and even social gambling. So, organizations in Iowa can get a charitable gaming license for conducting fund-raisers that will benefit their civic, educational, charitable, public, and religious organizations.

All gambling receipts are liable for sales taxes, even if you run a non-profit organization. These taxes will be payable to the state’s Department of Revenue, not to the DIA. If you have a charitable organization, you can conduct contests, games, skill and chance games, raffles, bingo, etc to raise money. For this however, you must have the appropriate license. For instance, qualified groups that stand for veterans need a Veterans Organization Card Tournament permit. This license will allow such an organization to run series of cards games for a continuous period lasting a day or less.

The Social Gambling license will allow parlor games and small stakes cards games like chess, dominoes, cribbage, checkers, etc. Even if a beer establishment has this license, it can allow sports betting. Those organizations which are eligible for conducting charitable games will be exempt from federal income tax. All proceeds from these games and raffles will be utilized for improving educational, public, and religious amenities.